Create and Configure a vNet and Subnet in Microsoft Azure - labIT PRO Suite Skip to content

Create and Configure a vNet in Azure


Lab Overview

In this lab, you’ll learn how to create and configure a Virtual Network (vNet) and Subnet in Microsoft Azure.

Virtual networks are essential for organizing and managing network traffic within the Azure environment, and subnets allow you to segment your vNet for better control over resource communication.

This lab walks you through the process of creating a new vNet, configuring address spaces, and setting up subnets to meet the needs of different applications. You’ll also apply network security features like encryption and use tags to categorize your vNet.

Learning Objectives

    • Understand how to create a Virtual Network in Azure.
    • Learn how to configure address spaces and assign custom IP ranges for your vNet.
    • Gain experience setting up subnets to segment resources within a vNet.
    • Apply encryption to secure network traffic within your virtual network.
    • Use tags to categorize and manage virtual networks for production or development environments.
    • Review and finalize the vNet and subnet settings before deployment.

Exam Relevance

The skills you learn in this lab are necessary to pass the following Azure certification exams:

    • AZ-104
    • AZ-305
    • AZ-700
Udemy-Exclusive Lab

This lab is also available to free labITpro members.

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