Microsoft Applied Skills
This PREMIUM LAB COLLECTION helps you earn the Microsoft Applied Skills credential by showing you how to secure storage for Azure Files and Azure Blob storage
Provide Storage for the IT Department Testing and Training
As you work through this Azure lab, you’ll create a new storage account and configure basic security and networking settings. In doing so, you’ll build out the foundational environment for the training and testing activities for the SurfCity Boats IT department.
Provide Azure Storage for Public Website for Your Organization
As you work through his lab, you’ll create a new storage account in Azure and configure high availability, ensuring it has anonymous public access enabled. You’ll also provision a new blob storage container, enable soft delete, and then you’ll configure blob versioning.
Provide Private Storage for Internal Company Documents
In this lab, you’ll create a storage account specifically for your company’s private documents. You’ll configure redundancy, a shared access signature, and you’ll configure lifecycle management. You’ll also replicate storage from one storage account to another.
Provide Shared File Storage in Microsoft Azure for Company Offices
In this lab, you’ll provision a new storage account in Azure that’s configured specifically to host file shares. You’ll then create a file share and directory within the new storage account to organize data within the storage account. To protect against data loss, you’ll configure snapshots, which you’ll also test by deleting and restoring data. Lastly, you’ll restrict access to the storage from a specific virtual network.
Deploy and Configure Azure Storage for a Fictitious Web Application for Surf City Boats
In this lab, you’ll create a storage account and set up a managed identity for a fictitious application. You’ll then secure access to the storage account by creating a key vault and generating a key within it. You’ll also configure the storage account to use a customer-managed key stored in the key vault. Lastly, you’ll configure a time-based retention policy and establish an encryption scope to further secure the data.