Create and Configure an Azure Storage Account - labIT PRO Suite Skip to content

Create an Azure Storage Account


Lab Overview

In this lab, you’ll learn how to create and configure an Azure Storage Account using the Azure portal.

The lab provides step-by-step instructions, walking you through the process of setting up a storage account, selecting key configuration options, and enabling advanced features like geographic redundancy, network access controls, and blob versioning.

By the end of the lab, you’ll have hands-on experience with setting up a storage account, configuring its security settings, and deploying it within a specific Azure environment.

Learning Objectives

    • Understand how to create a storage account in Azure.
      Learn to configure key settings like redundancy and network access.
    • Get hands-on experience setting up access control using virtual networks and IP address restrictions.
    • Enable and understand blob versioning for data recovery.
    • Implement infrastructure encryption to add an extra layer of security to your storage account.
    • Review and manage the deployed storage account and its settings in the Azure portal.

Exam Relevance

The skills you learn in this lab are necessary to pass the following Azure certification exams:

    • AZ-104
    • AZ-305
Udemy-Exclusive Lab

This lab is also available to free labITpro members.

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