Monitoring IIS With AppInsight
Lab Overview
AppInsight is a set of specially-designed templates that can be assigned to nodes to monitor certain critical apps, including IIS, Active Directory, Exchange, and SQL. These templates include numerous component monitors that provide you with far more detail than what other templates can provide.
For example, assigning the AppInsight for IIS template to a WMI node running IIS provides you with control over the websites and application pools hosted on that node, it provides separate, detailed metrics on each website or pool, instead of just a summary level, and it can monitor log space usage on each website individually. It can also monitor for expiring SSL certs.
Learning Objectives
In this interactive, hands-on Azure simulation, you will be guided through the process of assigning AppInsight for IIS to a WMI node running IIS.
Exam Relevance
The skills you learn in this lab are necessary to pass the following certification exams:
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