labIT PRO Suite Registration - labIT PRO Suite Skip to content

Register for a labITpro Account

The LabIT PRO Suite is a collection of simulated cloud labs that you can use to learn how to complete all kinds of neat tasks in Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud Platform – without needing a subscription to any of those platforms.


Get FREE Access to Select Labs!

The labIT PRO Suite of lab simulations allows you to perform all kinds of neat cloud tasks without the need for an Azure subscription, an AWS subscription, or a GCP subscription. Instead of spending money on cloud resources while you learn, you can now perform the same identical learning activities in a simulated cloud environment of your choice.

Sign up now and start learning with simulated labs!

*UDEMY-EXCLUSIVE labs only available to Udemy students

Registration Details

  • Payment Details

  • Before you can accept payments, you need to connect your Stripe Account by going to Dashboard -> Paid Member Subscriptions -> Settings -> Payments

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